Talk with Fred Gross, Holocaust Survivor
In February 2019, CYPRESS sponsored the visit of Holocaust survivor Fred Gross to the Evansville area. In the course of a week, he spoke to students and community groups about his harrowing experiences during and after World War II. He spoke to over 400 community members at Temple Adath B’nai Israel, as well as students and staff members at Ivy Tech, Thompkins Middle School, Mater Dei High School, and Castle High School.
Mr. Gross and his family were forced to leave their home and live in constant fear for years. He made it clear to all the audiences that his experiences were the result of prejudice, ignorance of other cultures, and fear, some of the same issues we face in today’s world.
Mr. Gross also spoke at several area schools including Thompkins Middle School, Mater Dei High School, Castle High School, and Ivy Tech Community College (attended by several schools).