Belfer Grant Applications Due
Completed applications are due by midnight on 04/30/2018. You must register for the conference before applying for this grant.
Completed applications are due by midnight on 04/30/2018. You must register for the conference before applying for this grant.
CYPRESS and the Temple A'dath B'nai Israel are bringing an exhibition of Holocaust Murals to Evansville. The murals will be on display for two weeks in February. School & community field trips are encouraged and public viewing hours will be available. Special events include a presentation from Holocaust survivor Fred Gross.
On Tuesday, April 23rd at EVPL's Central Library, Fred Gross, author of One Step Ahead of Hitler: A Jewish Child's Journey through France, will be speaking about his Holocaust experience as a young child. The event begins at 6 pm.
The University of Southern Indiana will be hosting the Echoes & Reflections professional development program, Teaching the Holocaust, Empowering Students, on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 8:30 am - 4 pm. Registration is open.
Cypress, along with Temple Adath B'nai Israel, invite you to a reading by prize-winning author, Margaret McMullan. A recipient of a 2010 NEA Fellowship in literature, a 2010 Fulbright at the University of Pécs in Pécs, Hungary, and the National Author Winner of the 2011 Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award, Margaret McMullan is the […]
For Holocaust Remembrance Month, EVPL North Park will be showing Eva: A-7063, a documentary on survivor/activist Eva Mozes Kor, on April 4, 2020, at North Park Library. CYPRESS will be leading a discussion following the film.